Posse Scholars
Grinnell College Posse 8, Los Angeles

Posse Facts & Figures


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Posse by the Numbers

  • Posse Scholars graduate at a rate of 90 percent.
  • Since 1989, Posse’s partner colleges have awarded more than $2.45 billion in scholarships to Scholars.
  • More than 14,000 Scholars have been selected to date.
  • 65 partner colleges and universities award Posse Scholarships each year.

Global and National Recognition

Where Posse Recruits

Posse Scholars are

  • Leading on campus — 80 percent of 2017 graduating seniors were officers of a college organization. 20 seniors served as student government/student body president.
  • Trailblazing in their families — 57 percent are first-generation college students.

Posse Alumni are

  • Pursuing more degrees — 48 percent of alumni out of school for five or more years either have a graduate degree or are working towards one.


Career Partners

Support Posse

  • Every $1 in donations allows Posse to secure $5 in scholarship funding.

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