Awards Ceremony Kicks Off Posse Chicago’s 20th Anniversary
More than 600 guests filled the David and Reva Logan Center for the Arts at The University of Chicago this January to welcome the city’s 123 new Posse Scholars. The Awards Ceremonies also celebrated the start of Posse Chicago’s 20th anniversary.
The newest class of Posse Scholars—the largest to date—were awarded more than $24 million in full-tuition scholarships by Chicago’s 12 college and university partners: Agnes Scott College, Connecticut College, Cornell University, Denison University, DePauw University, Middlebury College, Oberlin College, Pomona College, St. Olaf College, Trinity College, University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Michigan.
“Remember you are a leader and were chosen to make a difference.”
Bria Robinson, an Agnes Scott College Posse alumna, took the stage to share reflections on her Posse experience and the enduring significance of the program in her life.
“As you sit here and look at your Posse members and wonder how you all will become close enough to survive or at least withstand the twists and turns of college, remember your Posse is not something you make work,” Bria said. “It’s something that works for you, in ways you can’t even anticipate right now. The meaning of Posse will be different for you all, but it will become so much more if you begin this journey with one goal in mind: be open to the process and allow these people the chance to really become the Posse you need.”
The new Scholars, chosen from a pool of more than 2,800 nominees, were selected for their exceptional academic and leadership potential. Nominations for the prestigious award came from all Chicago public high schools and more 100 community-based organizations.
“Don’t forget you were chosen for a reason,” says Ara Kaur, another ceremony speaker and a University of Wisconsin-Madison Posse alumna. “Someone saw something special in you and nominated you for the Posse Scholarship. There will be times when you question yourself and your abilities, but remember you are a leader and were chosen to make a difference.”
From January to August, the new cohorts of Chicago Scholars participate in Posse’s intensive Pre-Collegiate Training program, which ensures they are prepared to succeed academically and as campus leaders. They will matriculate on campus in the fall.