Posse alumna Ana Morales.
Posse alumna Ana Morales.

Boston Alumnae Bring Their Voices to Politics

Spring 2018 | Boston

Posse Boston is proud to have two exceptional alumnae contributing to major political campaigns in Massachusetts.

Gabrielle Farrell, a Bryn Mawr Posse alumna, was part of a successful campaign for Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh in 2017 when she served as the campaign’s press secretary. With that campaign completed, Gabrielle took on the role of press secretary and spokesperson on the campaign to re-elect Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

“As a woman and as a person of color, I knew that my voice mattered in every Bryn Mawr classroom and in the broader world beyond campus,” says Gabrielle. “Because of this, I seized opportunities that I might’ve never pursued otherwise. Now, I’m helping shape our state and country’s future for the better by making sure our senator holds her seat for another six years.”

Posse alumna Gabrielle Farrell.
Posse alumna Gabrielle Farrell.

“Posse changed the trajectory of my life.”

Ana Morales, a Denison Posse alumna, also serves on Senator Warren’s campaign, as deputy political director. Prior to joining Gabrielle on the Senator Warren campaign, Ana served as deputy communications director for Service Employees International Union Local 509, where she led a grassroots marketing campaign for nearly 22,000 union members.

“Posse changed the trajectory of my life,” says Ana, reflecting on her experience as a Scholar. “It created amazing opportunities and possibilities for me. I think that where I am and the life that I lead is a huge testament to the investment that The Posse Foundation has made in my life.”

Gabrielle and Ana are excited to be part of Senator Warren’s dynamic team together. Posse Boston is proud of their accomplishments, and we look forward to their continued impact in politics.