woman smiling
Centre College Scholar Sherice Sutherland, who will intern at Boston Children’s Hospital this summer.

Boston Children’s Hospital Becomes Posse Career Program Partner

Spring 2023 | Boston

Posse Boston has embarked on a new partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital, a leader in pediatric care. As part of the partnership, Boston Children’s will provide summer internships and full-time opportunities for Posse Scholars and alumni interested in the healthcare field.

Boasting one of the country’s largest pediatric research centers, Boston Children’s offers comprehensive health services for children from birth to 21 years of age. Through the hospital’s COACH High School Summer Program, Posse Scholars will gain firsthand experience in pediatrics by interning in different departments across the hospital. Upon completing the high school program, students become eligible for the COACH College Internship Program and gain access to COACH Alumni Services.

The mission of Posse aligns perfectly with our mission. We are thrilled to have Posse as a partner.

Sarah Riordan, Workforce Development Specialist, Boston Children's Hospital

“The mission of Posse aligns perfectly with our mission to provide Boston students a safe and meaningful way to spend the summer while learning about jobs in healthcare,” says Sarah Riordan, Workforce Development Specialist at Boston Children’s. “We’re thrilled to have Posse as one of our newest community partners. We are looking forward to having a great summer where all our Scholars learn about the different areas of healthcare and make connections.”

Under the current arrangement, Boston Children’s will provide two slots for Scholars in Posse’s Pre-Collegiate Training program and two summer internship opportunities for Scholars on campus. The four Scholars that have been selected are: Emily Stein (Union College), Sherice Sutherland (Centre College), Geovanna de Andrade (Centre College), and Pheary Kang (Union College).

"This summer, I will be working with doctors and research coordinators on a project that focuses on Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy," says Sherice. "I cannot wait to not only immerse myself into this role, but to learn from individuals who are experts in their fields."

Opportunities for Scholars in their senior year of college and for Posse alumni will also be available, including invitations to networking and recruiting events.

“We need great leaders in every sector, and that’s especially true in healthcare,” says Posse Boston Director Sakeenah Chapman. “We are excited to partner with Boston Children’s Hospital to create new pathways for Posse Scholars to explore this and other critically important fields.”