Broadreach COO, Brandeis Alum to Expand Business Abroad
Broadreach Group Chief Operating Officer Engy Lamour, a Brandeis University Posse alumnus, is relocating to London to expand the business of the global recruitment firm that serves the alternative investment industry. Engy credits Posse with helping him develop his leadership skills as a Scholar and while serving as a Posse National Alumni Advisory Council representative.
“I take a leadership approach to everything because of Posse,” says Engy. “I don’t think I otherwise would have had the audacity to undertake something as challenging as opening a European branch.”
Engy, whose Brandeis Posse was selected 13 years ago, has always valued the diverse perspectives and collaborative approach to leadership that the Posse model encourages. He has sought to cultivate similar dynamics in his personal life and with his colleagues.
“I have friends who are from different parts of the world, and have varied social backgrounds and ethnicities,” says Engy. “This immeasurably enriches my personal and professional life.”
While based in London, Engy is eager to offer assistance to Posse Scholars or alumni who have plans to study or work abroad there.