Bryn Mawr Graduate Sets Sights on Career in Medicine
Recent Bryn Mawr College graduate Ebrar Yilmaz has embarked on an academic journey toward a promising career in the medical field.
As an undergraduate student, Ebrar dedicated herself to her studies. Experiences like internships at the Whitetulip Health Foundation (WHF) in New Jersey and abroad at a Rwandan health clinic bolstered both her passion for science and medicine as well as her resume.
Upon completion of her degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, Ebrar immediately began working as an organic chemistry lab instructor at her alma mater. In this role, she assisted both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students with organic chemistry experiences.
“Oftentimes, people shy away from taking upper-level science courses because they think they are too difficult,” she says. “However, as a teaching assistant, I believed that anyone could learn and excel in science. It was through this experience that I discovered a passion for teaching.”
Reflecting on her journey, Ebrar recalled her early motivations to pursue medicine, which later evolved into a passion for dentistry.
“I love the hands-on aspect of dentistry, and being able to create an immediate impact in patients’ lives is incredibly rewarding,” she says.
Now in her first year at Harvard Dental School, Ebrar is drawn to the program’s innovative curriculum that bridges the gap between dentistry and medicine, integrating students into the medical school from the outset.
With her sights set on the future, Ebrar aims to not only practice dentistry but teach as well. She is also dedicated to giving back to the communities that supported her, including Posse Boston.
“The supports I received from Posse during college was invaluable, and I would like to provide the same support to current Posse Scholars.”