Deloitte Impact Day Kicked Off Summer Career Events
Over 30 Posse Los Angeles Scholars and alumni attended Deloitte Impact Day, a national service event organized by the national Career Program partner. The event was facilitated by local Deloitte professionals and focused on developing skills for success in higher education and the workforce, including networking and personal branding.
The day began with small-group facilitated activities, including a panel discussion on career paths, passion and purpose. Afterwards, Posse Scholars and alumni participated in mock interviews, led by representatives from the Human Capital department.
Among the more than two dozen Deloitte employees participating in Posse’s Impact Day sessions was Monique Cadle, a Claremont-McKenna College alumna and Carnegie Mellon Master's graduate of science, public policy and management. Monique facilitated a workshop that helped Scholars develop and practice their “elevator pitch,” an exercise in networking and self-representation.
In her first weeks at Deloitte in 2010, Monique was introduced to the many ways she could engage with Posse by fellow Posse alumnus Jeyson Florez and has been giving back ever since.
“When I left Impact Day, I wanted to tell all the Scholars how proud I am of them,” Monique says, “They are such a mature, energized and compelling group of students doing great work.”