New Directory Helps Posse Alums #BuildTheNetwork
In 2016, The Posse Foundation added a key feature to its online portal for alumni: the Alumni Directory. Alumni can use the directory to reach out to their network for support with post-graduate prospects, professional development opportunities, and guidance when relocating.
“We connected through our campuses and our cities, but now as we grow and travel and move around in the post-college world, it is nice to have this online connection back to Posse,” says Bucknell University Posse alumna Cheyenne Mendes.
In the directory, alumni can search for each other by name, university and Posse, along with additional options to filter by industry, graduate degree or current city. Alumni also have the option of “checking yes” to share contact information, allowing fellow alumni to get in touch with them via email or social media.
“The directory was helpful because I was able to look up alumni in the area when I moved to Connecticut where I had no family or friends,” says DePauw University Posse alumna Abbisola Oxley.
Other features available when you log in to the Posse Portal include a job board and information about fellowship opportunities.
To join the 3,600+ online community of Posse alumni:
1) Log in to the Posse Portal
2) Update your profile and upload a photo
3) #CheckYes so other alumni can contact you
Only you can help us #BuildTheNetwork with 100 percent alumni participation. Log in today!