New Orleans Students Win $3.9 Million in College Scholarships
Twenty-one new Scholars joined the Posse New Orleans family at the fifth annual Awards Ceremony in January at the National World War II Museum’s Stage Door Canteen. The high school seniors earned four-year, full-tuition scholarships worth $3.9 million from Tulane University and the University of Notre Dame.
Almost 550 students from Greater New Orleans were nominated for the scholarships, representing more than 60 local high schools and community-based organizations. These newest Scholars comprise Tulane University’s fifth New Orleans Posse and the University of Notre Dame’s first.
More than 160 family members, supporters, nominators, board members and friends of Posse joined the celebration. Bard College Posse alumna Barbara Reynolds, who is the program coordinator for Posse New Orleans, spoke about the importance of the program in her life and encouraged Scholars to embrace the changes that come with going to college.
“Even though I was in a room filled with people I didn't know so well yet, the ceremony felt very intimate,” said Notre Dame Scholar Vaishali Nayak. “The event made me and my family feel at ease about the new big thing in my life—my Posse.”
These new Scholars are currently working through Pre-Collegiate Training, which will prepare them to succeed as leaders and students when they matriculate at their new college campuses this fall.