New York Scholars Attend Annual Clinton Global Initiative University Conference
In April, nine Posse New York Scholars attended the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Conference held at Washington University in St. Louis. The prestigious conference—based on the successful model of the Clinton Global Initiative, which convenes global leaders—brings together young leaders from college campuses around the world to discuss and develop innovative solutions to global challenges.
To be considered to attend the conference, Scholars submitted original proposals that outlined a specific plan of action to address a local or global problem in a new way. Posse New York Scholars submitted proposals in the fields of female empowerment, public health and human rights.
Rana Abdelhamid (Middlebury Posse 13) proposed a leadership and self-defense camp for women in Alexandria, Egypt. A group of Scholars from Trinity University submitted a plan to promote understanding of the challenges for the disabled and to encourage advocacy. Two Scholars from Brandeis University collaborated on a proposal to increase education about children’s oral health in Johannesburg, South Africa.
“CGI U made me realize that real systematic change is within our grasp, and that students like Posse Scholars can be drivers of the change the world needs,” says Joshua Frank (Trinity Posse 10).
Posse New York congratulates these Scholars on the strength of their proposals and for their participation in the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative University Conference: Rana Abdelhamid (Middlebury Posse 13), Julian Addy (Babson Posse 7), Mushfiqur Chowdhury (USC Posse 1), Ibrahim Diallo (Trinity Posse 5), Joshua Frank (Trinity Posse 10), Oluwatomi Jaivesimi (Brandeis STEM Posse 3), Aissatou Ka (Brandeis STEM Posse 2), Mauel Paredes (Babson Posse 7), Andres Peguero (Trinity Posse 10) and Charley Wedeen (Trinity Posse 6).