New York Welcomes Director Shreya Malena-Sannon
Posse New York is proud to introduce Shreya Malena-Sannon as the new director of Posse New York. Shreya has devoted her career to working with diverse youth populations, focusing on social justice, youth development and leadership development.
“The part of my work that brings me the most joy is the impact and connection that we have with young people, and that’s what I love most about Posse,” says Shreya. “It’s rare to find an organization of this size and scale that is still so high-touch and continues to develop deep relationships with Scholars and alumni.”
Prior to her role at The Posse Foundation, Shreya was the program director at the Sadie Nash Leadership Project in New York City. In that capacity, she tripled the size of program offerings, more than doubled the number of participants served and doubled the duration of participant engagement. Shreya has also worked for South Asian Youth Action, a leadership program for immigrant youth, as well as Global Action Project, an organization that supports youth-developed media to promote social justice.
Shreya received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Barnard College in sociology and psychology and a Master of Education degree from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education.