Puget Sound Scholar Leads in Arts, Theater Production
Erin Valoroso is a freshman at the University of Puget Sound. She arrived on campus with a particular focus: using theater to spark discussion about important social issues.
Erin participated in many theater-oriented programs in high school, including leading the St. Ignatius Live club.
“I really like improv and writing and directing skits,” Erin says. “When our school’s administration leadership changed, we had to think of creative ways to get their attention. Our student group would talk about what needed to be changed and use comedy as a tool to communicate our message.”
As a board member of her high school literary magazine, Erin was charged with rebuilding the online version of the publication. She also became a poetry contributor. When students held a forum and walkout to protest gun violence, Erin was asked to write a special composition to mark the occasion.
At the University of Puget Sound, Erin wants to continue to explore how art can promote dialogue.
“I have an idea to bring a satirical-based show to campus,” she says. “We can discuss cultural issues on campus and in the country.”
Erin thinks it’s important to provide people with unique ways to express themselves. She has been inspired by her Posse workshops and collaborations with fellow Scholars.
“Posse has gone beyond my expectations,” she says. “I’m learning how to be a part of a community and transition into new communities, and it’s helped me think about leadership. It doesn’t have to follow stereotypes.”
Erin hopes to major in environmental policy and global development.