Scholars Explore Government, Grad School, STEM Opportunities
To help Scholars position themselves for leadership in the workforce, Posse D.C. organized three interactive professional development workshops during winter break. Posse alumni already established in their careers offered insights about how to navigate professional paths after college and use Posse’s resources for career success.
Nearly 40 Scholars and alumni gathered in December for an engaging “Posse on Capitol Hill” panel. Marvin Figueroa, a Vanderbilt Posse alumnus and senior policy advisor for Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), moderated a conversation with staffers from the United States House of Representatives and Senate. The panelists discussed the need for diversity in politics and the importance of their presence, and that of Posse Scholars, in these settings.
“This is a place of power,” said Marvin. “On a daily basis the individuals on this panel make decisions that have national implications. Their backgrounds and experiences shape these choices and make the Hill a more diverse and inclusive place to work.”
Scholars interested in graduate school completed goal-setting activities and attended a panel composed of Posse alumni who are enrolled in or have completed graduate programs in law, business and medicine. The alumni offered their perspectives on how to articulate graduate school goals and manage timelines.
Finally, to meet a growing interest in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields among Scholars and alumni, Posse D.C. hosted a panel and discussion sessions with representatives from Clark Construction Group, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Science & Technology Policy Institute, and University of Maryland, College Park. The event provided exposure to STEM opportunities in industries Scholars and alumni may not have previously considered.
These events, essential to the Posse Career Program, offer Scholars and alumni the opportunity to prepare for the professional opportunities available to them in college and beyond.