Michelle Bryant.
Michelle Bryant.

Wooster Scholar Leads on Campus, Pursues Finance

Winter 2022 | Atlanta

Michelle Bryant, a senior Posse Scholar at The College of Wooster, has been active on campus while aiming towards a career in economics.

After completing a memorable summer internship at Posse Career Program partner Accenture in 2018, Michelle began research in applied methods as a workforce expansion consultant on campus. Her initiative created a chain reaction of opportunities that led to her current position as a guest services specialist in the college’s office of admissions.

In her academic studies, Michelle has channeled her own experience to study racial diversity in college enrollment.

In addition to her commitment to diversity as an admissions ambassador, Michelle is a leader in and member of a wide range of influential groups on campus. Currently, she serves as the president of the Black Women’s Organization and is also an active member of the Black Student Association, Women of Images, Wooster NAACP Chapter and Women & Gender Minorities in Economics. In her academic studies, Michelle has channeled her own experience and knowledge to study racial diversity in college enrollment.

“My senior independent study aims to identify the impact expected returns of higher education has on the probability of enrollment for African American scholars,” says Michelle. “I will be analyzing the effect of the perceived notion of discrimination within the college-educated labor market.”

Off campus, she holds a part-time job with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, which she balances with admissions office work as an overnight recruitment leader.

After graduation, Michelle hopes to enter the job market in the business and finance industry, with eventual plans to pursue a master’s degree.