
Students participate in the Dynamic Assessment Process

Students participate in the Dynamic Assessment Process

Posse recruits from 20-plus U.S. cities

Posse taught me that where I grew up did not determine where I would end up.

Jessica Starling, Grinnell Posse 2

Which cities does Posse recruit from?

Through its traditional program, Posse recruits cohorts of students in Atlanta, the Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, D.C., Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York and Puerto Rico.

Posse recruits geographically diverse cohorts through its Virtual Program in Charlotte, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Memphis, Newark, Philadelphia, Phoenix and select cities in Indiana, Minnesota, and Virginia.

The Posse Arts Program currently recruits from New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virtual Program cities listed above, with the exception of cities in Indiana, Minnesota, and Virginia.

The Posse Veterans Program recruits post 9/11 U.S. veterans nationwide.

How do I become a nominator?

If you are a high school or community-based organization located in any of Posse’s recruitment cities, you may be eligible to nominate students for the Posse Scholarship.

If you are not a part of our nominating network, you can contact your Posse city or program office to register to become one.

We need your help to identify tomorrow's leaders.
Learn about the Posse nomination process

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